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fanling station中文是什么意思

用"fanling station"造句"fanling station"怎么读"fanling station" in a sentence


  • 粉岭站


  • He kowloon - canton railway corporation has set up a committee of inquiry to look into the two incidents of non - stopping of trains at fanling station and tai po market station on 2 and 4 february respectively
  • While apologizing for the inconvenience caused , east rail hopes that our passengers appreciate our commitment and the dedicated efforts of our staff during york s onslaught . ceremony held to mark the topping out of fanling station concourse extension
用"fanling station"造句  


Fanling Station is a station on Hong Kong's East Rail?Line. It is next to Fanling Town Centre, and is only a short walk away from Fung Ying Seen Koon, a well-known Taoist temple.
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